Sunday, February 28, 2010

Galabya Party

Today we went to a temple in the morning that was another amazing expierience! Later we went to a Nubian village. There were camels everywhere! While we were there we visited a school and one of the teachers taught as the Arabic alphabet and numbers. He also taught us the Nubian numbers. He would go around and ask people to identify the symbol...Rebecca was called on and did not know the answer.The teacher made her stand up and also almost hit her until,of course, he wasnt allowed to. Tonight is our Galabya party. We all our wearing Galabya dresses and listening to Egyptian music. :)
By: Virginia

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you guys are having a lot of fun! That's kind of scary Rebecca almost got hit by the teacher.. but I love the getup in the picture! Very awesome. I miss you guys! Keep working hard :)
